Missing Data?

Unable to send data to Bio-Rad:

Are you getting an error message or does the program hang/freeze when trying to send data to Bio-Rad?

You should see a message that says “Successfully Saved.” when sending data. If not, it is usually due to something on your network that is blocking the transmission.  In this day and age, network security is becoming more and more restrictive.  Many networks block users and software from using the internet in different ways an in certain degrees.  Even if it worked perfectly last month, your I.T. dept. may have changed things without notification.

There is a way to send data to the local PC instead of out on the internet.  This is the best way to see if the problem is with the software or with security.

  1. Inside QC OnCall, go to Tools > Unity Central > Write Transmission File
  2. Here you can specify where you want the file to be saved.  The easiest way is to click the button on the right with three little dots.  Then select Desktop in the list and click Ok.
  3. Click Ok on this window as well.
  4. There should be a file with your lab number followed by a three digit number on your Windows Desktop.  (i.e. 999991.001)
  5. If you saw an error message or there is no file on the desktop, you will want to call Bio-Rad Software Support for further assistance.

If writing a transmission file was successful, it would be a good idea to double check the transmission settings in the setup.  Go to Tools > Setup > Transmission Settings.   Verify that there is a dot next to Internet Service Provider.  If it is next to Modem, switch it to Internet Service Provider and click Ok.  Though it sounds redundant, try looking at the setting again.  If the dot went back to modem, you do not have high enough permissions (see the Permissions paragraph below) to alter the setup in QC OnCall.

If the settings are correct, then we are most likely running into security challenges.  One or more of the follow are most likely the case.

  1. Permissions:  QC OnCall requires at a minimum, Power User rights/permissions.  However, the technicians in your IT department are the experts for your network.  Have them log into your PC as an Administrator and try to send data.  If it works, they should be able to adjust your permissions (even at the folder level if necessary) until you have enough to send your data.
  2. Firewall/Proxy:  Almost all networks have a hardware or software firewall or proxy.  Your IT department may need to add our server’s IP address (  (port 80)) to a “safe list” or open up the firewall to let the data through.  Some networks also filter sent data or hold on to it while it is scanned.  This too may present a problem but your IT department should be able to come up with a solution.
  3. Password to Logon to the Internet:  Some networks require you to put in your user name and password before you can get on the internet to view web pages.  If this it true in your case, before sending data, log in to the internet and go to bio-rad.com or qcnet.com to make sue you have access to the internet. Then send your data.

When you have successfully sent data, you will need to reconcile all labs and resubmit.  Here is how you do it:  Tools > Utilities > Reconcile All Labs    Make sure there is a dot next to Configuration and Data.  Click Ok.  When the window goes away, send the data again the normal way.  Tools > Unity Central > Send Receive Data > Send Data to Bio-Rad.  If it is past the submission date, give QCP a call at 800-854-6737 x2 and let them know so they can process your reports.

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