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What's New From Bio-Rad QC

Unity User Group

Unity User Group Meeting - Winnipeg / Toronto / Montreal

Preview of New Unity Interlab Reports »

Quality Control and Risk Management »

URT 2 SP3 and Blue Box Hardware »

Connectivity »

Unity Real Time QC on a Day to DayBasis »

Unity real Time 2.0 - User Testimonial »




Unity Real Time 2.0 - Hidden Treasures »

QCNet Canada - Hidden Treasures »

Unity Real Time 2.0 - New features and Improvements »

Key Changes to EQAS Programs »

QCNet Canada for EQAS Users »




Patient Risk Management

A patient risk approach to QC means planning your QC based on the type or method of the test and its impact on patient outcomes when a failure is detected. We’ve developed an informational white paper that succinctly summarizes the best thinking from leading laboratorians and regulatory bodies about patient risk and QC design.

Article »

Bio-Rad QC Seminars


Designing QC Strategies to Assure the Quality of Patient Results in the Era of Laboratory Automation


Uncertainty of Measurement in the Clinical Laboratory
November 10, 2009 - Toronto, Canada

Two questions are traditionally asked when designing a laboratory quality control strategy; how many QC specimens should be analyzed and what QC rules will provide the statistical power needed to detect critical out-of-control error conditions. However, the modern automated laboratory must answer a third question in order to design an effective quality control process; how frequently should QC testing be performed. Traditional QC design gives no guidance on when QC testing should occur. This talk proposes an approach to designing QC strategies that can objectively address the question of how frequently to schedule QC testing

Presentation with audio »

Measurement Uncertainty - How to calculate it in the clinical laboratory - Dr Godfrey Moses, PhD, FCACB - National Director - Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories

Uncertainty of Measurement - Dwayne Kelly, BSc, ART - Technical Director - Respiratory and Laboratory, Woodstock General Hospital

Measurement Uncertainty Statistics using Unity Real Time 2.0 - Clément Arès, BSc - Senior Product Manager - Bio-Rad Laboratories (Canada) Ltd.

Traceability and Uncertainty of Measurement for Medical Laboratories - OLA reference document - Linda Crawford, director at OLA and QMPLS

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Remote Connections

A Bio-Rad Trainer can teach you how to use the software according to the needs of your laboratory, in your real environment, using your own computer. All you need is a computer with Internet access and a telephone. Click on one of the buttons below for remote connection as directed by Bio-Rad support.

Citrix - Remote Access

Zoom - Remote Access

Expert Corner

The impact of QC frequency on patient results

Article presented on MLO - Clinical Issues - September 2008


By John Yundt-Pacheco and Curtis A. Parvin, PhD

Read article »

Professional Organizations


Quality Management Program Laboratory Services
Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists


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